Compilé par Ze LooterS

Disponible à partir de juin 2011
en contactant WorldPeople
ou sur Psyshop

Following our concept of producing a VA based on our festival theme, we wanted to bring a new dimension to this project. So this year, World-People is proud to invite Looney Moon Records for a musical exchange in the pure FarWest spirit. In this compilation, World-People offer you an authentic psychedelic duel, where the twisted leads, crazy samples and deep western atmosphere will be the easy triggers' rules. Welcome to this wild west  sound adventure, where the soundboys come for a face to face.

Toutes nos excuses. Suite à une erreur lors du mastering, l'ordre des morceaux de la compilation n'est pas le bon sur la pochette.

Surreal Happiness - Visceral Games DJ Pitch - Hobby_Horsing Billuminati - Galactical_Encounters
Pocahontas - Pirates Technology Hashashin - Hard Drop Cafe V.A. - Geminorum II (comp. by Pollux)
Pusher - Abandonned Spaceship EP Groove Hunter - Illegal Groove VA - Milky Way 2.0